Manager's Comments
Glacial Plains business philosophy is to concentrate on our local trade area.  We will strive to become more competitive and offer the highest levels of service all the while maintaining profitability so that we can continue to return cash to our owners.  It's your cooperative that looks to return the money from profits that result from you entrusting us with your business and it's the one thing that you won't get back from many of our competitors.  Thank you for your business.


"Solid Preformance and Returning Cash to Member Owners" 


GPC Dividend History
Patronage Allocation Factors  
In 2018 GPC paid out 75% in cash totaling $1,234,140 2018 local earnings $1,263,479
In 2017 GPC did not pay out any dividends 
2017 local earnings  $  219,621
In 2016 GPC paid out 75% in cash totaling $  978,727 2016 local earnings $1,903,903
In 2015 GPC paid out 75% in cash totaling $1,279,423 2015 local earnings  $2,685,163
In 2014 GPC paid out 75% in cash totaling $5,762,454
2014 local earnings $9,237,431
5 yr. total cash dividends  $ 9,254,744      

Retirements @ age 73    Total Cash Paid Out
In 2018 GPC paid out $408,246 in retirements 2018  $1,642,386 
In 2017 GPC paid out $660,219 in retirements 2017  $  660,219
In 2016 GPC paid out $445,774 in retirements 2016  $1,424,501
In 2015 GPC paid out $960,995 in retirements 2015  $2,240,418
In 2014 GPC paid out $397,112 in retirements 
2014  $6,159,566
5 year total retirements  $2,872,346 5 yr. Total Cash Pd Out  $10,110,720

If you need to go beyond Glacial Plains normal credit terms (net due by the 15th of the next month) you'll need to arrange financing.  Our bankers and board recognize the financial risk exposure we are exposed to when we have 2000 plus open accounts that are totally unsecured.  In these volitile times we need to do a better job of protecting your cooperative.  Talk to Aaron Vadnais at the Agronomy Center in Murdock for details on financing options.

Glacial Plains has long supported the ethanol industry and thereby supporting the corn farmer by selling E85 at our pumps and by selling basically pure ethanol to the racing industry in 100 gallon drums.  This past year we sold over 12,400 gallons.  We were recently contacted by the ND State Auditor.  They told us we had to have a $1,000 license, had to fill out monthly reporting and send $.22 per gallon to them.  We paid them the $.22 per gallon.  We then checked out North Carolina.  They have similar laws.  Glacial Plains does not make enough money to pay each states license fees and do their monthly reporting so we have decided to discontinue selling racing fuel in all states except Minnesota.  It is unfortunate and will only push out the little guys but I guess that's the nature of regulation and business these days!   

We now have the ability to offer demand notes to our member owners.  This allows us to pay a very competitive rate of interest on two year and demand notes.  Our customers get a better rate of interest on short term money and Glacial Plains saves on interest costs.  Also, for our grain customers, remember our deferred payment programs, where you can defer grain payments. This program pays you an additional amount for your grain based on how long you wait to take payment.  Be sure to ask our staff prior to having the check written.  
To get Glacial Plains cash grain bids and energy futures updates on your cell phone call Doug or Craig in Murdock.  (875-2811)